Saturday 30 July 2011

British Republicanism: Fact-Lite As Usual

Post removed as the main link no longer works. This is the ONLY reason the post has been removed, since I am unable to provide the reader with the source material I quoted so that they can check my statements for themselves.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Reasons To Be A British Republican - In Their Very Own Words!

These are all ACTUALLY SAID on their Facebook page and website (my commentary follows in italics)

  • Inheritance is theft (umm, who from exactly? Oh, you mean someone gave their stuff to their kids instead of YOU? For shame...)
  • Britain is worse than North Korea for personality cults (in relation to the Royal Family of course - what, you thought they were referring to the Blessed Simon Cowell?)
  • Prince William's photos are photoshopped to hide his 4 foot nose (erm ... yeah .... whatever, you twerp)
  • The Queen Mother was dissolute and her bronze 'image ... should be removed' (never mind the million people who went to pay their last respects, eh? Still let's get rid of those idolatrous images by all means. Any other Biblical punishments you want to inflict on the rest of us? I bet stoning's high on the list...)
  • It's OK to have Gaddafi (as president), because then we would be a democracy (said by someone not living in Libya, what a surprise)
  • Prince William should wear a T shirt and be unseen 'like the rest of us' (this is because he wore a suit to Wimbledon. Suit wearing - the last bastion of monarchy! Part of his job is TO BE SEEN. I know you don't like it ... man up and deal with it.)
  • The Queen uses money collected for charities she is a patron of, to defray her own general expenses (have you ever heard anything more spiteful or Just. Plain. STUPID?)
  • Monarchy is keeping the UK behind in the global economy and is the premier cause of today's broken society (failed sociology student; also lives in a broken middle eastern economy supported by erm ... British aid amongst others.)
  • Jet fighter bills, paying for royal families how much more! (No, I don't understand it either)
  • Too much forelock tugging must hurt after a while (what IS this British republican fascination with tugging on body parts? Didn't your parents warn you you'd go blind?)
  • The public don't really care about the state of our political system, as we saw in the AV referendum (I rather thought they did actually care which was why they majorly kicked it into the long grass LOL)
  • This country should change its national anthem I can't sing the current one as it idolises the queen (Let's all idolise T. Blair, M. Thatcher, Sir C. Richard, S. Cowell, C Cole then shall we?)
  • Their life is nothing but fun, unlike the rest of us who have to work (from someone who thinks that anything other that checkout till work isn't 'work')
  • The Royal family are "Thieving inbred sex offending dossers" (Ah, libel laws, wherefore art thou? Isn't it great to be able to hurl anonymous insults at people who can't answer back. Manly men indeed!)
  • Russians got it right (that would be shooting men, women and children dead in front of each other and without due process, so that's OK then. Bring on the Republik making Britain a better democracy! Oh wait....)
  • We live in a socialist state (oh, really? Must be that whole North Korea thing you've got going there....)
  • It's ridiculous that we have a queen. We're basically saying we're no more sophisticated than bees. Bees have a queen, and she actually does something. She goes round collecting honey and stuff! (Erm, actually no, the queen bee produces eggs. Speak to your Biology teacher, since you're still at school)
  • I'm paraphrasing. Those weren't her exact words (basically I made it up to make my comment look good)
  • The Crown Estate belongs to the nation. (No it doesn't, much as you might like it to; nor will it give you more benefits to claim)
  • why is she written as Queen of Canada on Canadian Passports? (err ... because she is. FAIL)
  • "I was posting on (a newspaper site) as 'Lucy', writes 'Elizabeth' (no, not Queen Elizabeth lol. Why exactly? Does this come under the same heading as another republican who outed herself accidentally as having at least two profiles that are used to make pro-republican statements in newspapers? I think we should be told...but we probably won't be.)
  • heading straight for a hospital to pose with child cancer victims - how crass is that? Can you imagine their aides ringing the hospital and saying, have you any child cancer victims we can send these people to be photographed with? (No, I can't. I CAN imagine the aides asking who would benefit most from a visit. To suggest that one of the most photographed couples in the world have a need to seek out cancer victims for a photo opportunity - now, THAT'S crass!)